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A territory to explore

Santa Marinella is a seaside town that, with its 22 km of coastline - considered one of the most beautiful on the Roman littoral - has been awarded the epithet of “Perla del Tirreno” (“Pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea”).

But Santa Marinella is also history and tradition thanks to the numerous sites of cultural interest in the surrounding area.
Its history, in fact, has its roots in ancient times, dating from the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. For this reason, Santa Marinella is the ideal destination for those seeking a holiday between culture and relaxation.

Among the main attractions that can be visited are:

  • Pyrgiu Archaeological Site, where you can admire the remains of an ancient Etruscan sanctuary;
  • Castrum Novum, an ancient theatre overlooking the sea dating back to the imperial age and recently uncovered thanks to excavations conducted in 2015;
  • Punta della Vipera, where there are pools dating to Roman era, from the 1st century B.C., and used for breeding fish and molluscs;
  • The Castle of Santa Severa, built in the 14th century by the sea and, nowadays, recognised as an important monument of historical and archaeological interest and can be visited in almost its entirety.

Very interesting is also the nearby Tarquinia, renowned for being a symbol of Etruscan art and a medieval town recognised by the Unesco as a world heritage site. Another attraction not to be missed is the picturesque town of Cerveteri, famous for its ancient necropolis and Etruscan ruins.

In addition, the eternal Rome is a short train ride away from Santa Marinella, offering you the opportunity to explore timeless attractions such as the Colosseum, the Vatican City, the Roman Forum... and much more!

With so many fascinating destinations, Santa Marinella offers an excellent base from which to explore the rich history and admire the beauty of the region.

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